I2M Consulting's Web Portal for Geoscientists

Introduction to the I2M Web Portal

This I2M Web Portal is made available to clients, I2M Associates, geoscientists, and the general public worldwide with a focus on geoscientific and other matters of interest to I2M management. Searches can be conducted using single words, phrases or exact phrases (if you put them in quotes), for example: a simple phrase might be "Russian interests in U.S. uranium" whereas an exact phrase is "critical minerals".

I2M Consulting personnel also monitor hazardous field conditions around the world via our Field Alerts program, cybersecurity conditions on the Internet in our Security Alert program, and relevant bias in the Media in our Confronting Media Bias Alerts program.

Candidate papers, technical news items, classic reports, and new publications can be submitted to the I2M Web Portal editors for review. Those deemed worthy are summarized, abstracted, and/or reviewed with [Editorial comments...] and are included in this database appearing under What’s New. Some technical news announcements, short articles, or summaries are captured in total because they are deemed important in case they are later removed by publishers. They will remain as records in the I2M Web Portal database indefinitely.

Click here for a brief mini-webinar that discusses the basic features of the I2M Web Portal.

This database contains 12,450 records as of February 1, 2023. Additional details are available at About the I2M Web Portal.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.


Society conflicts, and training issues involving  Artificial Intelligence, various Agencies, Colleges, Universities... as well as those related to Non-Science Issues (Creationism, Intelligent Design, etc.), plus related U.S. and world economic issues.

Resources relating to astrogeology, off-world natural resource exploration and development, planet defense, and associated news of space developments. Also including information related to off-world activities, such as the development of robotics, health issues of zero gravity, and to serious reports of extraterrestrial matters that may create unintended consequences for humans.

Biological resources relating to natural-resource development, biomedical research, environmental remediation, critters of the past, and conservation.

Biomass and derived biofuels related resources...
Climate Change (Global Warming or Cooling) resources and related issues, both political and technical, including CO2 sequestration, and Anthropocene issues.
Resources for various services and companies of possible interest to clients, associates, and geoscientists.
Resources relating to mining and environmental topics on natural resource development and industrial remediation.

Various useful resources such as related research journals, technical tools, databases, glossaries...
Geo- and hydrochemistry resources relating to oil & gas development and the various associated fields of interest.

Geophysics, Environmental, Geological, Geotech subjects that apply to energy, mining and environmental issues of the day, and the associated applications of interest to I2M management.

Geospatial resources relating to oil & gas development and the associated energy, mining and environmental uses and applications.

Health and safety resources related to traveling overseas, mining, oil and gas development and production and environmental projects. Also includes cyber-security issues.

Related to hydroelectric dams and pumped storage of water to create electrical or mechanical power.

This category will contain I2M News and Announcements.

Resources with distinct international impacts that may or may not have applications in the U.S. To this must added recent ideas on society responses to future issues related to natural resource development and use.

Includes all oil and gas-related resources, i.e., gas hydrates, oil sand, tar sands, etc.
Local, national, and international geological societies and associations.

This category includes discussions on rare earth deposits, mining and associated economic assessments
Risk Assessment subjects associated with natural occurrences or with those applicable to mining, oil & gas, or other industrial activities and their waste products.

Toxicological-related resources associated with natural occurrences or those applicable to mining, oil & gas, or other industrial activities and waste products.

Latest 10 Resources

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ZeroHedge reported in August 31 2024 that phasing out nuclear power in Germany led to a €600 billion increase in energy costs between 2002 and 2022. Despite massive investments in renewables, Germany's carbon emissions reductions were only marginally better than if they had retained nuclear power. Had Germany invested in new nuclear capacity instead of renewables, they could have achieved much greater emissions reductions while saving €330 billion.

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Martucci reported in October 2024 that a new report from NARUC and NASEO highlights Generation III+ and IV reactors’ potential to support industrial processes, mining, district heating and data center operations.

                                                        Generation III+ and IV reactors can support industrial processes, mining, district
                                                        heating and data center operations, according to a new report from the National

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Tangermann reported in late 2022 that geoscientists say they've found new evidence of an "ocean" deep inside the Earth.

                                                                                                                                     Image by Getty Images

After analyzing an extremely rare diamond believed to have been formed at a depth of around 410 miles below Botswana, an international team of researchers concluded in a new study published in the journal Nature Geoscience that the boundary between our planet's uppe...

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Cohen reported in early October 2024 that lightning has struck the 2 turbines on the farm 3 times.

                                                         Teresa Weets and her daughter, Sally Freeman, look June 11 at a burned wind
                                                         turbine on their family farm near Mechanicsville, Iowa. Another turbine caught
                                                         fire in August, adding to the debris field Freeman estimates at 240 acres or more.

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Jacob reported in mid-October 2024 that whether from real concern for marine animals or doubts about renewable energy, the anti-wind power movement has been growing along the US East Coast, with some trying to blame a surge in whale strandings on the growth of offshore energy projects.

                                                           Save Coastal Wildlife's Jenna Reynolds points at a pod of harbor seals
                                                           swimming in Sandy Hook Bay, New Jersey.

Their attempt to link the t...

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Pope reported in late September 2024 that in Oklahoma, as the wind sweeps down the plain, it glides through dozens of wind farms. But what happens when the turbines on those farms are no longer in service? A new recycling center has opened in northwestern Oklahoma to give them new life.

                                                   Paul Brown, CEO of Woodbridge Advanced Solutions, walks through the piles of cut-up
                                                    wind turbine blades outside Oklahoma's firs...

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Martucci reported in early October 2024 that the new generic environmental impact statement could reduce applicant and NRC staff costs by up to $2 million per license application, the commission said Friday.

                                                                                        zhongguo via Getty Images

  • The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is seeking comments through Dec. 18 on an updated proposal to streamline its environmental review process for new reactors, according to a Friday notice in the Federal Register.

  • ...
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Fretwell reported in October 2024 that seven years after two power companies abandoned a failing nuclear construction project, a report has concluded that the equipment and existing buildings on the site are in “excellent’’ condition — and it would be worth a look at restarting construction.

                                                         The doomed V.C. Summer nuclear plant, a joint failed venture of SCE&G and
                                                         Santee Cooper, sparked dozens of le...

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Chowdhury reported in October 2024 that Google has struck a deal to use nuclear power in its push to supply clean electricity to its energy-intensive AI data centers.

Google is ready to go nuclear in the name of AI.

  • The search giant struck a deal to bring new nuclear plants online to power its AI data centers, and

  • It's the latest tech company to express interest in nuclear to meet AI's high energy demands.

The energy demands of the data centers behind the generative-AI boom are proving so great that they're pushing Big Tech fir...

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Molnar reported in October 10 2024 that energy company Constellation announced last month it aims to restart the nuclear plant at Three Mile Island amid growing energy demand. Three Mile Island, home of the infamous 1979 partial meltdown, is not the only nuclear site with a possible second life. Holtec International, an energy technology company, bought the closed Palisades nuclear plant in southwest Michigan and is also working to restore and reopen the plant.

                                                         At San Onofr...


Resource Portal for I2M Clients, Associates, and Geoscientists
Managed by I2M Consulting, LLC